Dance City CAT – 2020 Online Auditions

Dance City CAT Online Auditions now Live!

Having closely followed the Government guidance regarding the Coronavirus pandemic we have had to alter our approach to the CAT Auditions this year.

From Monday 1 June we are launching our Online Audition Application Process and we are delighted to still be offering opportunities on the CAT to the talented young dancers from across the region.

Even though the application process is going to take a different structure to our in person auditions we are committed to ensuring that the aims, ethos and outcomes of the process are the same.

How to apply…

The deadline for Online Audition Applications is Friday 19 June at 5pm and you need to send us both a completed Audition Application Form and your Video Submission.

STEP ONE: Application Form

You will need to complete and return our downloadable application form: CAT Online Audition Application Form 2019 – 2020

You can either complete the application form as an e-version or print and scan the document to send back via email to Please also include a digital image of the applicant with the form.

Please Note: Due to remote working we are unable to accept postal applications at this time. If you have already submitted an audition application form this year then we will contact you directly to acknowledge that we already have your paperwork.

STEP TWO: Video Submission

Please see below the Audition Criteria that we would like you to follow for your video submission:

Video Criteria

1. A short introduction of yourself, including your name, age and why you would like to join the CAT programme.
2. We have created three instructions films of a short movement phrase which we would like you to learn and record. The detail of the movement are explained on the films, including different viewpoints of the teacher, to help you to learn the material. PLEASE SEE BELOW.
3. We would like to see you dance… we would like you to add on to the phrase showing us your creative ideas and how you enjoy moving.. The response can be a pre-choreographed dance or a movement improvisation. It doesn’t need to be long – around 30 seconds.

MUSIC = Artist: Efdemin and Track: Cuero Para Mi Gente (Altered Vibe Mix) – You are welcome to access the music on any platform you use, however for ease of access here it is on Youtube
– To help you start your creative ideas you could consider exploring heights, dynamics (fast or slow), stillness and you can use your environment to inspire your creative choices as well.
– For some movement inspiration here is a clip of former Dance City CAT student Connor Scott performing as part of the BBC Young Dancer, which he was crowned the winner of in 2015.

Videos are to be submitted to and please include the applicants name and age in the email body along with your applications form, image and video submission.

Video Instructions

• Wear something you are comfortable dancing in, however please make sure the clothing isn’t too loose so that we can see your body moving.
• To avoid having to edit footage together you are able to create your video submission as one continuous film (i.e. introduction straight into dance), however we are also happy for you to send us each section as an individual clip.
• We advise that videos are sent via online video-link using a programme such as Vimeo, YouTube or WeTransferWeTransfer Instruction Document
• As we are living in very different times there may be limited resources, space and technology available to you. Videos can be filmed inside, outside, on a phone, computer camera, tablet. Don’t worry about the quality, if it’s wobbly or if you don’t have much space. We appreciate that it will be different for everyone and however the videos come to us we will be so grateful.
• We also appreciate that you may not have managed to access any dance classes recently and everyone’s fitness levels are lower than normal so please take care creating your film and we will be taking all of these factors into consideration.
• Any technical questions or support we can offer please don’t hesitate to contact Hannah Moreno at
• NOTE FOR PARENTS AND GUARDIANS: Please carefully consider the environment the applicant will be dancing in, especially in relation to slip/trip hazards, confined space, flooring and room temperature. We advise all applicants to undertake a warm up before dancing and a cool down after dancing and remember to stay hydrated throughout. If anything feels unachievable due to space limitations then please just leave it out.
Most of all we hope you enjoy the process of creating your film and we know that you will all do your very best. We are looking forward to seeing you dance!


What happens next?

Monday 22 June: We will contact all applicants via email regarding the outcome of their submission and we will invite successful applicants to a Zoom/Telephone Interview on either Saturday 27 or Sunday 28 June.
Saturday 27 or Sunday 28 June: Zoom/Telephone Interviews with CAT Applicant, their Parent or Guardian and a member of the Dance City CAT Staff (Interview times to be arranged)
Week Commencing Monday 29 June: We will contact applicants regarding the outcome of their Interviews.

We hope to receive an Online Audition Application from you and look forward to watching your dance submission. Any questions regarding the Online Application Process, any technical questions or for further information about the CAT then please don’t hesitate to contact Hannah Moreno at

Want to find out more about the CAT at Dance City?

Please see below some films and information about the CAT at Dance City to help you find out more about the programme…

Dance City CAT Presentation 2020

Dance City CAT – Life as a CAT Student

Start Date: 19 June 2020 05:00 PM

End Date: 19 June 2020 05:00 PM

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